Nijō Harutaka

Nijō Harutaka

Nijō Harutaka , son of Nijō Munemoto, was a Japanese kugyō of the Edo period (1603–1868). He had many children with a daughter of the fifth lord of Mito Domain Tokugawa Munemoto. Among them were:

  • Nijō Narimichi
  • Kujō Suketsugu
  • Saionji 寛季
  • Consort of Tokugawa Nariatsu, third head of Hitotsubashi-Tokugawa family
  • Nijō Narinobu
  • Kujō Hisatada
  • Nijo Suiko, Consort of Nabeshima Naotomo, eighth lord of Hasunoike Domain.
  • Consort of Matsudaira Yoritsugu, eighth lord of Hitachi-Fuchū Domain.
From *,
General Info
Date of Death
November 5th, 1826
Died Aged
Social Networks , Links
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