Nefertkau III

Nefertkau III

Nefertkau III was an ancient Egyptian princess. She lived during the 4th Dynasty. She was possibly a daughter of Meresankh II and Horbaef. If so, she was a granddaughter of King Khufu. Baud has proposed that Nefertkau was a daughter of Khufu instead. Nefertkau has the titles King's daughter of his body and Priestess of Neith in a scene in the chapel of her tomb. She was married to an official named Iynefer. Nefertkau and Iynefer had a daughter also called Nefertkau and two or three sons. Strudwick has suggested that Iynefer may be a son of Khufu. Depending on the interpretation of the family relationships Nefertkau may have married either her uncle or her brother.

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General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, -2001
Date of Death
January 1st, -2001
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