Naseeruddin Shah

Naseeruddin Shah
Naseeruddin Shah

Naseeruddin Shah is an Indian film and stage actor and director in the Hindi language film industry. He is notable in Indian parallel cinema. He has won numerous awards in his career, including three National Film Awards, three Filmfare Awards and an award at the Venice Film Festival. The Government of India has honoured him with the Padma Shri and the Padma Bhushan awards for his contributions to Indian cinema.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 20th, 1950
Birth Place
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Gulfam Hassan in Sarfarosh
Lalit Verma in Monsoon Wedding
Mohit in Iqbal
Dr. Siddhant Arya in Krrish
Male Puppet in Paheli
PKR Natarajan in The Tashkent Files
Inspector Purohit in Maqbool
Surya Kant in The Dirty Picture
D.K. Malhotra (DK) in Masoom
Ferdinand Pinto in Finding Fanny
Ishaan Mirza in 3 Deewarein
Gopi Shrivastava in Ok Jaanu
Ajay Narang in Chaahat
Shiv Kumar in Waiting
Rajaji in Begum Jaan
Khairuddin Kisti in Karma
Maj. Sarfaraz Khan in China Gate
Advocate Bhaskar Kulkarni in Aakrosh
Gohar Mirza in Umrao Jaan
Anirudh Parmar in Sparsh
Sunil Verma in Bhumika: The Role
Naurangia in Paar
Bhola in Manthan
Leonardo da Vinci in Gaja Gamini
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