Musa of Parthia

Musa of Parthia
Musa of Parthia

Musa, also known as Thea Musa, was a ruling queen of the Parthian Empire from 2 BC to 4 AD. Originally an Italian slave-girl, she was given as a gift to the Parthian monarch Phraates IV by the Roman Emperor Augustus. She quickly became queen and a favourite of Phraates IV, giving birth to Phraataces. In 2 BC, she had Phraates IV poisoned and made herself, along with Phraates V, the co-rulers of the empire. Their reign was shortlived; they were forced to flee to Rome after being deposed by the Parthian nobility, who crowned Orodes III as king.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, -0047
Date of Death
November 30th, 0003
Died Aged
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