Minyekyawswa of Ava

Minyekyawswa of Ava

Minye Kyawswa I of Ava (Burmese: မင်းရဲကျော်စွာ, pronounced [mɪ́ɰ̃jɛ́ tɕɔ̀zwà]; also known as Hsinbyushin Minye Kyawswa Gyi was king of Ava from 1439 to c. 1442. In less than three years of rule, the second king from the royal house of Mohnyin had recovered four major former vassal states of Ava: his native Mohnyin, Kale, Taungdwin and Toungoo, and was about to capture a fifth, Mogaung, which was achieved shortly after his death. Despite the successes farther afield, his attempt to capture the closer districts of Pinle and Yamethin failed.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1410
Date of Death
December 31st, 1441
Died Aged
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