Minye Kyawswa II of Ava

Minye Kyawswa II of Ava

Minye Kyawswa was heir apparent of Burma from 1593 to 1599, and viceroy of Ava from 1587 to 1593. For the last six years of his life, he was the deputy of his father King Nanda, who presided over the collapse of the Toungoo Empire. In December 1599, he betrayed his father, and defected to the forces led by Minye Thihathu II of Toungoo and Raza II of Arakan. But the promise of good treatment was not kept; the last crown prince of the Toungoo Empire was killed a few days later.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1567
Birth Place
Myanmar, Bago
Date of Death
January 1st, 1599
Died Aged
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