Minkhaung of Prome

Minkhaung of Prome

Minkhaung of Prome was the last king of Prome, who reigned three tumultuous years from 1539 to 1542. He succeeded his brother Narapati in 1539. Minkhaung frantically prepared to defend against another attack by Toungoo Kingdom. He reinforced his already heavily fortified city of Prome (Pyay), and hired foreign mercenaries. Although he knew his nominal overlords, the Confederation of Shan States, would assist him, he continued the alliance with King Min Bin of Mrauk U begun by his late brother. Min Bin was married to Minkhaung's and Narapati's sister.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1509
Date of Death
January 1st, 1553
Died Aged
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