Min Sekkya

Min Sekkya

Min Sekkya was king of Arakan from 1564 to 1572. He succeeded his elder half-brother King Min Saw Hla, who had chosen him to be the heir apparent. The northern vassal of Tripura, which had submitted to Min Saw Hla, revolted and for a time, he lost control of Chittagong. He took back the city, but he was unsuccessful in regaining control of Tripura. He carried on his brother's construction endeavours. He was married to his half-sister Dhamma Dewi but after she died, he married Saw Thanda, who had been queen of both his brother Min Saw Hla and his father Min Dikkha. He died of natural causes in 1572, and was succeeded by his paternal uncle Min Phalaung.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1536
Date of Death
January 1st, 1572
Died Aged
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