Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus

Miley Ray Cyrus is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and record producer. Noted for her distinctive raspy voice, her music spans a range of styles, from pop and country pop to hip hop, experimental and rock. Cyrus is the best-selling artist born in the 1990s, and has attained the most US Billboard 200 top-five albums in the 21st century by a female artist, with a total of thirteen entries. Her personal life, public image, and performances have often sparked controversy and received widespread media coverage.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Destiny Hope Cyrus
Date of Birth
November 23rd, 1992
Birth Place
United States of America, Tennessee
Star Sign
164 cm | 5'5
Social Networks , Links
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Penny in Bolt
Ronnie Miller in The Last Song
Lola in LOL
Miley Stewart, Hannah Montana, Luann Stewart in Hannah Montana
Hannah, Miley in Hannah Montana: The Movie
Molly, Brook in So Undercover
Lennie Dale in Crisis in Six Scenes
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