Michelle Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh
Michelle Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh Choo-Kheng, PSM is a Malaysian actress who rose to fame in 1990s Hong Kong action films and is best known internationally for her roles in the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) and martial arts film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), along with recent international English-language films and series. She was more recently featured in CBS All-Access'/Netflix's Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2020) where she was the captain of the USS Shenzhou and Emperor from the Mirror Universe. She is also currently set to star in a Star Trek spinoff, about Section 31. Yeoh is credited as Michelle Khan in her early Hong Kong films.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 6th, 1962
Birth Place
Malaysia, Perak
Star Sign
161 cm | 5'3
Social Networks , Links
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Wai Lin in Tomorrow Never Dies
Eleanor Young in Crazy Rich Asians
Sister Rebeka in Babylon A.D.
Insp. Jessica Yang - Director of INTERPOL in Police Story 3: Super Cop
Aung San Suu Kyi in The Lady
Siu Lin in Tai Chi Master
Zeng Jing in Reign of Assassins
Tso Ngan Kwan in Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy
Jessica Yang in Once a Cop
Yim Wing Chun in Wing Chun
Ching, Invisible Woman, Number 3 in The Heroic Trio
Saiva in Far North
Silver Hawk, Lulu in Silver Hawk
Inspector Ng in Yes, Madam
Soong Ai-ling, Madam Kung in The Soong Sisters
Lady Ko in Butterfly and Sword
Ching, San, Carol in Executioners
Fok Ming-Ming in Magnificent Warriors
Julia in Final Recipe
Mon Ching Sze, To Col Ching in Holy Weapon
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