Michael Rockefeller

Michael Rockefeller
Michael Rockefeller

Michael Clark Rockefeller was the fifth child of New York Governor and future U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, and a fourth-generation member of the Rockefeller family. He disappeared during an expedition in the Asmat region of southwestern Netherlands New Guinea, which is now a part of the Indonesian province of Papua. In 2014, Carl Hoffman published a book that went into detail about the inquest into his killing, in which villagers and tribal elders admit to Rockefeller being killed after he swam to shore in 1961. Despite these claims, no remains or other proof of his death have ever been discovered.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
May 18th, 1938
Birth Place
United States of America, New York
Date of Death
February 24th, 1963
Died Aged
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