Merlene Ottey

Merlene Ottey
Merlene Ottey

Merlene Joyce Ottey, ON, CD, OJ is a Jamaican-Slovenian former track and field sprinter. She began her career representing Jamaica in 1978, and continued to do so for 24 years, before representing Slovenia from 2002 to 2012. She is ranked fourth on the all-time list over 60 metres (indoor), seventh on the all-time list over 100 metres and fourth on the all-time list over 200 metres. She is the current world indoor record holder for 200 metres with 21.87 seconds, set in 1993.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
May 10th, 1960
Star Sign
173 cm | 5'8
Social Networks , Links
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