Max Zimmermann

Max Zimmermann

August Maximilian Zimmermann, painter and lithographer, was born at Zittau, in Saxony on 7 July 1811. His father, the impresario Karl Friedrich August Zimmermann, brought him up as a musician, but in his leisure he practised lithography. At the age of twenty-three he abandoned music to devote himself entirely to lithography, and joining his brother Albert in Munich, studied drawing under his direction. He finally took to landscape painting, which he practised with some success. His subjects were chiefly forest scenes, studies of trees, and the like. The Neue Pinakothek at Munich has three of his pictures. He died at Munich in 1878.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 7th, 1811
Birth Place
Germany, Saxony
Date of Death
December 29th, 1878
Died Aged
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