Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry

Matthew Langford Perry is an American-Canadian actor, comedian, executive producer, screenwriter, and playwright who most notably played the role of Chandler Bing on the NBC television sitcom Friends, which ran from 1994 to 2004. Due to the vast popularity of the sitcom, Perry and the rest of the six-member main cast ensemble were each making $1 million per episode by 2002. Along with starring in the short-lived television series Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Perry has appeared in a number of films, including Fools Rush In (1997), Almost Heroes (1998), The Whole Nine Yards (2000), and 17 Again (2009). In 2010, he expanded his resume to include both video games and voice-over work when he voiced Benny in the video game Fallout: New Vegas.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Matthew Langford Perry
Date of Birth
August 19th, 1969
Birth Place
United States of America, Massachusetts
Star Sign
181 cm | 5'11
Social Networks , Links
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Chandler Bing in Friends
Mike O'Donnell (Adult) in 17 Again
Oz Oseransky in The Whole Nine Yards
Alex Whitman in Fools Rush In
Oscar Novak in Three to Tango
Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple
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