Mary Williamson Averell

Mary Williamson Averell
Mary Williamson Averell

Mary Williamson Averell Harriman was an American philanthropist and the wife of railroad executive E. H. Harriman. Born in New York to a successful family, Averell married Harriman in 1879. Averell's father introduced Harriman to the railroad business. After Harriman's death, his wife was left with between $70 and $100 million. She became dedicated to philanthropy, donating the land that became Harriman State Park and largely funding the development of the controversial Eugenics Record Office. Averell had several children; her son, W. Averell Harriman became governor of New York and her daughter Mary Harriman Rumsey founded the Junior League.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 22nd, 1851
Birth Place
United States of America, New York
Date of Death
November 7th, 1932
Died Aged
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