Magic Johnson

Magic Johnson
Magic Johnson

Earvin "Magic" Johnson Jr. is an American former professional basketball player and former president of basketball operations of the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Often regarded as the best point guard of all time, Johnson is also considered to be one of the greatest players in NBA history. He played for the Lakers for 13 seasons. After winning championships in high school and college, Johnson was selected first overall in the 1979 NBA draft by the Lakers. He won a championship and an NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award in his rookie season, and won four more championships with the Lakers during the 1980s. Johnson retired abruptly in 1991 after announcing that he had contracted HIV, but returned to play in the 1992 All-Star Game, winning the All-Star MVP Award. After protests from his fellow players, he retired again for four years, but returned in 1996, at age 36, to play 32 games for the Lakers before retiring for the third and final time.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Earvin Johnson Jr.
Date of Birth
August 14th, 1959
Birth Place
United States of America, Michigan
Star Sign
202 cm | 6'8
Basketball Player
Social Networks , Links
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