Sarah Madeleine Vinton

Sarah Madeleine Vinton
Sarah Madeleine Vinton

Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren was an American writer, translator, and anti-suffragist. Her volume, Idealities was her first work in book form. Thereafter, she found time to write upon a great variety of subjects. She made several translations from the French, Spanish and Italian languages, notably Charles Forbes René de Montalembert's brochure, "Pius IX," the abstruse philosophical work of Juan Donoso Cortés from the Spanish, and the monograph of Adolphe de Chambrun on "The Executive Power". These translations brought her positive recognitions, among others, a flattering letter from Montalembert. She was the author of a voluminous Biography of Admiral Dahlgren, and a number of novels including South-Mountain Magic, A Washington Winter, The Lost Name, Lights and Shadows of a Life, Divorced, South Sea Sketches (Boston), and a volume on Etiquette of Social Life in Washington, Thoughts on Female Suffrage, and also of a great number of essays, articles, reviews and short stories written for papers and periodicals. Occasionally, Dahlgren expressed herself in verse, and several of her efforts are included in anthologies of poets.

From *,
General Info
Birth Place
United States of America, Ohio
Date of Death
May 28th, 1889
Died Aged
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