Máel Coluim, son of the king of the Cumbrians

Máel Coluim, son of the king of the Cumbrians
Máel Coluim, son of the king of the Cumbrians

Máel Coluim was an eleventh-century magnate who seems to have been established as either King of Alba or King of Strathclyde. In 1055, Siward, Earl of Northumbria defeated Mac Bethad mac Findlaích, the reigning ruler of the Kingdom of Alba. As a result of this military success against the Scots, several sources assert that Siward established Máel Coluim as king. It is uncertain whether this concerned the kingship of Alba or the kingship of Strathclyde.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1049
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