Lucídio Vimaranes

Lucídio Vimaranes

Lucídio Vimaranes was the second count of Portugal within the Kingdom of Asturias, which was divided internally into several provinces called "counties". Portus Cale was one of these counties which was incorporated in the Kingdom as a new land conquered from the moors. Although Lucídio's parentage is not confirmed in any source, all historians agree that based on his uncommon patronymic, he was most probably the son of Vímara Peres. Upon the death of his father, King Alfonso III of Asturias entrusted him with the government of the county jointly with Count Hermenegildo Gutiérrez who was succeeded by his son Gutier Menéndez. In the 11th-century, his great-grandson Count Alvito Nunes, initiated a second period in which the family governed the County of Portugal after succeeding Count Menendo González, son of Count Gonzalo Menéndez.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 0840
Birth Place
Portugal, Braga
Date of Death
January 1st, 0873
Died Aged
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