Lord Walter Kerr

Lord Walter Kerr
Lord Walter Kerr

Admiral of the Fleet Lord Walter Talbot Kerr, was a Royal Navy officer. After taking part in the Crimean War and then the Indian Mutiny, he supervised the handover of Ulcinj to Montenegro to allow Montenegro an outlet to the sea in accordance with the terms of the Treaty of Berlin. He became Flag Captain to the Commander-in-Chief, Channel Squadron and then Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet. He went on to be Second-in-Command of the Mediterranean Fleet, then Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Squadron and finally became First Naval Lord. In that capacity he presided over a period of continued re-armament in the face of German naval expansion but was unceasingly harassed by Admiral Sir John Fisher.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
September 28th, 1839
Birth Place
United Kingdom, Scotland
Date of Death
May 12nd, 1927
Died Aged
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