Lord Randolph Churchill

Lord Randolph Churchill
Lord Randolph Churchill

Lord Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill was a British statesman. Churchill was a Tory radical and coined the term 'Tory democracy'. He inspired a generation of party managers, created the National Union of the Conservative Party, and broke new ground in modern budgetary presentations, attracting admiration and criticism from across the political spectrum. His most acerbic critics were in his own party, among his closest friends; but his disloyalty to Lord Salisbury was the beginning of the end of what should have been a glittering career. His elder son, Winston, wrote a biography of him in 1906.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
February 13rd, 1849
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Date of Death
January 24th, 1895
Died Aged
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