Leo G. Carroll

Leo G. Carroll
Leo G. Carroll

Leo Gratten Carroll was an English actor. He was best known for his roles in six Hitchcock films including Spellbound, Strangers on a Train and North by Northwest, and in three television series, Topper, Going My Way, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E.. He is name checked in the song "Science Fiction/Double Feature" from The Rocky Horror Show with the line "I knew Leo G. Carroll was over a barrel".

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Date of Death
October 16th, 1972
Died Aged
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Sen. Morton in Strangers on a Train
Dr. Murchison in Spellbound
Prof. Gerald Deemer in Tarantula
Alexander Waverly, Quentin Lester Baldwin in The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
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