Lenaert Jansz de Graeff

Lenaert Jansz de Graeff
Lenaert Jansz de Graeff

Lenaert Jansz de Graeff was a member of the family De Graeff and the son of Jan Pietersz Graeff, a rich cloth merchant from Amsterdam. Lenaert Jansz de Graeff was one of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation at Amsterdam, friend of Henry, Count of Bréderode, the "Grote Geus", and perhaps ident with "Monseigneur de Graeff", a captain of the Sea Beggars during the Capture of Brielle.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1600
Birth Place
Kingdom of the Netherlands, Netherlands, North Holland
Date of Death
November 30th, 1577
Died Aged
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