Laura Linney

Laura Linney
Laura Linney

Laura Leggett Linney is an American actress and singer. She is the recipient of several awards, including two Golden Globe Awards and four Primetime Emmy Awards, and has been nominated for three Academy Awards and five Tony Awards.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Laura Leggett Linney
Date of Birth
February 5th, 1964
Birth Place
United States of America, New York, New York City
Star Sign
169 cm | 5'7
Social Networks , Links
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Meryl Burbank, Hannah Gill in The Truman Show
Sarah in Love Actually
Lorrie Sullenberger in Sully
Wendy Byrde in Ozark
Janet Venable in Primal Fear
Constance Harraway in The Life of David Gale
Joan Berkman in The Squid and the Whale
Connie Mills in The Mothman Prophecies
Mrs. Munro in Mr. Holmes
Mrs. X in The Nanny Diaries
Clara McMillen in Kinsey
Kate Burroughs in Breach
Wendy Savage in The Savages
Kate Whitney in Absolute Power
Dr. Karen Ross in Congo
Abigail Adams in John Adams
Cathy Jamison in The Big C
Louise Perkins in Genius
Lisa in The Other Man
Mary Ann Singleton in Tales of the City
Claire in Jindabyne
Louise Harrington in P.S.
Mary Ann Singleton in Tales of the City
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