Laura Dern

Laura Dern
Laura Dern

Laura Elizabeth Dern is an American actress and filmmaker. She is the recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, and five Golden Globe Awards. Born to actors Bruce Dern and Diane Ladd, Dern embarked on an acting career in the 1980s and rose to prominence for her performances in Mask (1985) and David Lynch's Blue Velvet (1986) and Wild at Heart (1990). She received an Academy Award nomination for her portrayal of the titular orphan in the drama film Rambling Rose (1991) and achieved international recognition for her role in Steven Spielberg's adventure film Jurassic Park (1993), a role that she reprised in the 2001 sequel Jurassic Park III.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Laura Elizabeth Dern
Date of Birth
February 10th, 1967
Birth Place
United States of America, California
Star Sign
178 cm | 5'10
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Ellie in Jurassic Park
Sandy Williams in Blue Velvet
Bobbi in Wild
Lula in Wild at Heart
Miss Riley in October Sky
Sally Gerber in A Perfect World
Renata Klein in Big Little Lies
Grace Coxman in Cold Pursuit
Nikki Grace, Susan Blue in Inland Empire
Sue Murphy in F Is for Family
Lynn Nash in 99 Homes
Jennifer in The Tale
Bev Ladouceur in When the Game Stands Tall
Terry Linden in We Don't Live Here Anymore
Rose in Rambling Rose
Aunt Teresa in Tenderness
Elizabeth in Trial by Fire
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