Lafayette G. Pool

Lafayette G. Pool
Lafayette G. Pool

Lafayette Green Pool was an American tank-crew and tank-platoon commander in World War II and is widely recognized as the US tank ace of aces, credited with 12 confirmed tank kills and 258 total armoured vehicle and self-propelled gun kills, over 1,000 German soldiers killed and 250 more taken as prisoners of war, accomplished in only 81 days of action from June 27 to September 19, 1944, using three different Shermans. He received many medals, including the Distinguished Service Cross, the Legion of Merit, the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, the Belgian Fourragère, and the French Légion d'honneur.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 23rd, 1919
Birth Place
United States of America, Texas
Date of Death
May 30th, 1991
Died Aged
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