L. N. Shastri

L. N. Shastri

L. N. Shastri was an Indian playback singer and music composer who primarily worked in Kannada cinema. Starting his career as a playback singer in the film Ajagajantara (1991), Shastri went on to sing for more than 3000 songs. Upon his friends' suggestion, he renamed himself as Chaitanya and composed music for over 25 films starting with Kanasalu Neene Manasalu Neene (1998). However, he dropped the name due to the identity crisis for the film Bellary Naga (2009). Shastri was fighting cancer and died on 30 August 2017.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 29th, 1971
Date of Death
August 30th, 2017
Died Aged
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