László Lakner

László Lakner
László Lakner

László Lakner [ˈlaːszloː ˈlɒknɛr] is a Hungarian-German painter, sculptor and conceptual artist. He lives and works in Berlin. László Lakner was born in Budapest in 1936 to an architect of the same name and his wife Sara, born a Sárközy. Lakner is the father of the Hungarian artist Antal Lakner, who was born in 1966. After a long period in the cities Essen and Berlin, László Lakner now lives and works exclusively in Berlin, in the Charlottenburg district. Among other art shows, he was invited three times to participate in the Venice Biennale and once to documenta in Kassel (1977).

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
April 15th, 1936
Birth Place
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