Kurt Felix

Kurt Felix
Kurt Felix

Kurt Felix is a Grenadian athlete who competes in the decathlon. He was the NCAA 2012 Division I Decathlon Champion and was named the Mountain West Men's Outdoor Track and Field Student-Athlete of the Year. He competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics and the 2016 Summer Olympics and won the Bronze Medal at the 2014 Commonwealth Games. On 24–25 July 2017, Kurt participated in the 21st Stadtwerke Ratingen Mehrkampf-meeting which was part of the IAAF Combined Events Challenge. He placed second at the meet with a score of 8509 points and was able to set a meeting record in the Javelin Throw with a distance of 72.80m.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 4th, 1988
Birth Place
Grenada, Saint George Parish
Star Sign
182 cm | 6'0
Social Networks , Links
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