Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart

Kristen Jaymes Stewart is an American actress and filmmaker. She rose to stardom for her lead role as Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga film series (2008–2012), which collectively grossed over $3.3 billion worldwide. The world's highest-paid actress in 2010 and 2012, she is the recipient of several accolades, including a César Award, which has made her the only American actress to win.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Kristen Jaymes Stewart
Date of Birth
April 9th, 1990
Birth Place
United States of America, California
Star Sign
162 cm | 5'4
Social Networks , Links
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Bella Swan in Twilight
Sarah Altman in Panic Room
Em Lewin in Adventureland
Lydia Howland in Still Alice
Phoebe Larson in American Ultra
Vonnie in Café Society
Norah Price in Underwater
Joan Jett in The Runaways
Cole in Camp X-Ray
Sabina Wilson in Charlie's Angels
Maureen in Personal Shopper
Marylou, LuAnne Henderson in On the Road
Lucy Hardwicke in In the Land of Women
Jess in The Messengers
Valentine in Clouds of Sils Maria
Nia in Equals
Abby in Happiest Season
Maddy in Catch That Kid
Bridget Sullivan in Lizzie
Jean Seberg in Seberg
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