Kevin Warsh

Kevin Warsh
Kevin Warsh

Kevin Maxwell Warsh, is an American academic, financier, and former government official. During and in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Warsh was a governor of the Federal Reserve System, and acted as the central bank's primary liaison to Wall Street and served as the Federal Reserve's representative to the Group of Twenty (G-20) and as the Board's emissary to the emerging and advanced economies in Asia. Prior, Warsh served as Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Executive Secretary of the White House National Economic Council. He is the Shepard Family Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Economics at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, a scholar and lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, a member of the Group of Thirty, a member of the Panel of Economic Advisers of the Congressional Budget Office, and a former steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group. He has conducted research in the field of economics and finance, and has advised several private and public companies.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
April 13rd, 1970
Birth Place
United States of America, New York
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