Kelly Preston

Kelly Preston
Kelly Preston

Kelly Kamalelehua Smith, better known by her stage name Kelly Preston, was an American actress and model. She appeared in more than 60 television and film productions, including Mischief (1985), Twins (1988), Jerry Maguire (1996), and For Love of the Game (1999). She was married to John Travolta, with whom she collaborated on the comedy film The Experts (1989) and the biographical film Gotti (2018). She also starred in the films SpaceCamp (1986), The Cat in the Hat (2003), What a Girl Wants (2003), Sky High (2005), and Old Dogs (2009).

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Kelly Kamalelehua Smith
Date of Birth
October 13rd, 1962
Birth Place
United States of America, Hawaii, Honolulu County
Date of Death
July 12nd, 2020
Died Aged
Star Sign
166 cm | 5'5
Social Networks , Links
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Avery Bishop in Jerry Maguire
Marnie Mason in Twins
Josie, Jetstream in Sky High
Helen Hume in Death Sentence
Libby Reynolds in What a Girl Wants
Jane Aubrey in For Love of the Game
Gabby Frost in Jack Frost
Vicki in Old Dogs
Linda in Addicted to Love
Sherry in View from the Top
Tish in SpaceCamp
Victoria in Gotti
Deborah Anne Fimple in Secret Admirer
Marilyn in Mischief
Bonnie in The Experts
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