Juliana Annesley, Countess of Anglesey

Juliana Annesley, Countess of Anglesey

Juliana Donovan, Countess of Anglesey, was the second or third wife, and later the widow, of the notorious Richard Annesley, 6th Earl of Anglesey, and mother of his son and heir Arthur Annesley, 1st Earl of Mountnorris. Much maligned by their numerous enemies, some of whom were relations of the earl, the countess became widely rumoured to be of very low birth and character. In doubt, and the subject of many proceedings during her life and following her death, was the date of her marriage to the 6th Earl and thus the legitimacy of his only son.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Death
February 26th, 1777
Died Aged
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