José Vega

José Vega
José Vega

José Alejandro Vega Antonio is a Peruvian politician and a Congressman representing Lima since 2020. He was previously congressman for the 2006-2011 term representing Lima. He was First Vice President of the Congress between 2006 and 2007 under the leadership of Mercedes Cabanillas. In the 2020 snap parliamentary election, after a nine-year absence, he was once again elected as Congressman representing the same constituency to complete the 2016-2021 term that was interrupted following to the dissolution of the Congress. Vega belongs to the Union for Peru party in which, he is the party's Secretary General. He is running for President in the 2021 elections.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1956
Birth Place
Peru, Lima region, Lima Province
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