Jon Bernthal

Jon Bernthal
Jon Bernthal

Jonathan Edward Bernthal is an American actor. He is best known for his portrayal of Shane Walsh on the AMC horror series The Walking Dead, Frank Castle / The Punisher on the Netflix action series Daredevil (2015–2018) and The Punisher (2017–2019), and as Sgt. Manuel Rodriguez in the miniseries The Pacific (2010). He began his career in theater before guest starring on various television shows. He has also starred in supporting and leading roles in films such as The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), Fury (2014), Sicario (2015), The Accountant (2016), Baby Driver (2017), Wind River (2017), Widows (2018), and Ford v Ferrari (2019).

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Jonathan Edward Bernthal
Date of Birth
September 20th, 1976
Birth Place
United States of America, District of Columbia
Star Sign
180 cm | 5'11
Social Networks , Links
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Griff in Baby Driver
Ted in Sicario
Lee Iacocca in Ford v Ferrari
Frank Castle, Punisher in The Punisher
Brax in The Accountant
Frank Castle, Punisher in Daredevil
Rick Ricardelli in The Ghost Writer
Daniel James in Snitch
Frank 'Shotgun' in Shot Caller
Dan Morone in Rampart
Duncan Carmello in The Class
Raymond Gardener in Eastwick
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