John II of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny

John II of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny
John II of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny

John II of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny was a French nobleman and soldier, a younger son of John of Luxembourg, Lord of Beauvoir, and Marguerite of Enghien. His older brother Peter received his mother's fiefs, including the County of Brienne, while John received Beaurevoir. He married Jeanne de Béthune, Viscountess of Meaux, widow of Robert of Bar, on 23 November 1418, and became step-father to Jeanne de Bar, Countess of Marle and Soissons. He and Jeanne de Béthune had no children.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1392
Date of Death
January 5th, 1441
Died Aged
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