Joe Exotic

Joe Exotic
Joe Exotic

Joseph Allen Maldonado-Passage, known professionally as Joe Exotic, is an American former zoo operator and convicted felon. The former owner and operator of the Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park in Wynnewood, Oklahoma, Maldonado-Passage had claimed to be the most prolific breeder of tigers in the United States. Before working with animals, he was a police officer, briefly serving as the chief of police in Eastvale, Texas. Maldonado-Passage has had three unsuccessful runs for public office: for President of the United States in 2016 as an independent and for Governor of Oklahoma in 2018 as a Libertarian; in 2017, before officially entering the race for Governor, he filed as a candidate seeking the Libertarian nomination for President.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Joseph Allen Schreibvogel
Date of Birth
March 5th, 1963
Birth Place
United States of America, Kansas
Star Sign
179 cm | 5'10
Social Networks , Links
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