Jerzy Kukuczka

Jerzy Kukuczka
Jerzy Kukuczka

Józef Jerzy Kukuczka was a Polish alpine and high-altitude climber. Born in Katowice, his family origin is Silesian Goral. On 18 September 1987, he became the second man, to climb all fourteen eight-thousanders in the world; a feat which took him less than 8 years to accomplish. He is the only person in the world who has climbed two eight-thousanders in one winter. Altogether, he ascended four eight-thousanders in winter, including three as first ascents. Along with Tadeusz Piotrowski, Kukuczka established a new route on K2 in alpine style, which no one has repeated.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 24th, 1948
Birth Place
Poland, Silesian Voivodeship
Date of Death
October 24th, 1989
Died Aged
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