Jeremy Irons

Jeremy Irons
Jeremy Irons

Jeremy John Irons is an English actor and activist. After receiving classical training at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, Irons began his acting career on stage in 1969 and has appeared in many West End theatre productions, including the Shakespeare plays The Winter's Tale, Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming of the Shrew and Richard II. In 1984, he made his Broadway debut in Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing and received a Tony Award for Best Actor.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Jeremy John Irons
Date of Birth
September 19th, 1948
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Star Sign
187 cm | 6'2
Social Networks , Links
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Scar in The Lion King
Rikkin in Assassin's Creed
Brom in Eragon
Rodrigo Borgia in The Borgias
Gabriel in The Mission
Humbert Humbert in Lolita
Adrian Veidt in Watchmen
Beverly, Elliot in Dead Ringers
Randall Bragg in Appaloosa
Pucci in Casanova
Royal in High-Rise
Alex in Stealing Beauty
Kingsley Stewart in Inland Empire
Esteban Trueba in The House of the Spirits
Raimund Gregorius in Night Train to Lisbon
Dr. Stephen in Damage
Claus von Bulow in Reversal of Fortune
Profion in Dungeons & Dragons
Charles and Mike in The French Lieutenant's Woman
Michael Gosselyn in Being Julia
Charles Ryder in Brideshead Revisited
Ed Phoerum in The Correspondence
Earl of Leicester, Lord Dudley in Elizabeth I
Charles Swann in Un amour de Swann
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