Jean de Luxembourg

Jean de Luxembourg
Jean de Luxembourg

Jean, Lord of Haubourdin, called the Bastard of Luxembourg or the Bastard of Saint-Pol, also named Hennequin, was a nobleman and knight from northern France, a vassal of the duke of Burgundy. He was the illegitimate son of Waleran of Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol, by a liaison with Agnès de Brie. Jean fought in the Anglo-Burgundian side during the Hundred Years' War; his first cousins, the counts of Saint-Pol and Ligny, as well as the bishop of Thérouanne, featured prominently in the English administration and military operations in France.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 1400
Date of Death
July 28th, 1466
Died Aged
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