Jay Gruden

Jay Gruden
Jay Gruden

Jay Michael Gruden is an American football coach and former quarterback who was the offensive coordinator for the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League (NFL). He previously served as the head coach of the Washington Redskins from 2014 to 2019 and as offensive coordinator for the Cincinnati Bengals from 2011 to 2013. During his time in the Arena Football League (AFL), he won four ArenaBowls as a player and two more as a head coach. He is the younger brother of Las Vegas Raiders head coach Jon Gruden, and was an assistant coach of the 2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers team that won Super Bowl XXXVII.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 4th, 1967
Birth Place
United States of America, Florida
Star Sign
Social Networks , Links
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