Jason Oppenheim

Jason Oppenheim
Jason Oppenheim

Jason Oppenheim is an American real estate broker and attorney. He is the President and founder of The Oppenheim Group, a real estate brokerage representing buyers and sellers of luxury properties in Los Angeles. Jason Oppenheim, together with his twin brother Brett, and their team of real estate agents at The Oppenheim Group are the subject of the Netflix Original Series, Selling Sunset, which premiered on March 22, 2019. The show features Oppenheim and his team as they sell the luxe life to affluent and celebrity buyers in LA. In 2019, Oppenheim was recognized by the Wall Street Journal/REAL Trends "Best Real Estate Agents in America" as the #1 Agent in the Hollywood Hills/Sunset Strip, #3 Agent in Los Angeles, and the #22 Agent in the United States.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
April 12nd, 1977
Birth Place
United States of America, California
Star Sign
Social Networks , Links
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