Hormizd VI

Hormizd VI
Hormizd VI

Hormizd VI was a Sasanian prince, who was proclaimed king in Nisibis by the troops of prominent Sasanian general and usurper Shahrbaraz after the latter's son Shapur-i Shahrvaraz was deposed by another powerful magnate, Farrukh Hormizd, who raised the Sasanian princess Azarmidokht to the throne in Ctesiphon. Hormizd VI was one of the many pretenders who rose during the civil war that ensued after the overthrow and execution of his grandfather Khosrow II in 628. He maintained himself about two years in Nisibis, until he was overthrown by the same troops who had previously supported him. Yazdegerd III, another grandson of Khosrow II, with the support of the nobles, succeeded in becoming the sole rule of the empire.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Death
January 1st, 0631
Died Aged
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