Harry Helmsley

Harry Helmsley
Harry Helmsley

Harry Brakmann Helmsley was an American real estate billionaire whose company, Helmsley-Spear, became one of the country's biggest property holders, owning the Empire State Building and many of New York's most prestigious hotels. From humble beginnings, Helmsley moved up in property through natural salesmanship, a willingness to delegate, and shrewd acquisition policies that were ahead of their time. His second marriage to Leona Roberts led to charges of false accounting and tax evasion as well as a celebrated trial, where Harry was judged too frail to plead, but Leona was fined and jailed.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 4th, 1909
Birth Place
United States of America, Arizona
Date of Death
January 4th, 1997
Died Aged
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