Habib ibn Muzahir

Habib ibn Muzahir
Habib ibn Muzahir

Ḥabīb ibn Muẓāhir al-Asadī was of the Banu Asad clan, and one of the companions of Ali, Hasan ibn Ali and Husayn ibn Ali. He was one of the people of Kufa who sent letters to Husayn ibn Ali and invited him to Kufa. Though, when he realized that people of Kufa have broken their allegiance to Husayn, he left Kufa, joined Husayn, and was martyred at the age of 75 while fighting in Husayn's army, in Karbala.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Birth Place
Saudi Arabia, Makkah Region
Date of Death
October 10th, 0680
Died Aged
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