Grace Mugabe

Grace Mugabe
Grace Mugabe

Grace Ntombizodwa Mugabe is an entrepreneur, politician and the widow of the late Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. She served as the First Lady of Zimbabwe from 1996 until her husband's resignation in November 2017, a week after he was ousted from power. Starting as a secretary to President Mugabe, she rose in the ranks of the ruling ZANU–PF party to become the head of its Women's League and a key figure in the Generation 40 faction. At the same time, she gained a reputation for privilege and extravagance during a period of economic turmoil in the country. She was expelled from the party, with other G40 members, during the 2017 Zimbabwean coup d'état.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Grace Ntombizodwa Marufu
Date of Birth
July 23rd, 1965
Birth Place
South Africa, Gauteng
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