Gotarzes II of Parthia

Gotarzes II of Parthia
Gotarzes II of Parthia

Gotarzes II was king of the Parthian Empire from 40 to 51. He was an adopted son of Artabanus II. When his father died in 40, his brother Vardanes I was to succeed to the throne. However, the throne was seized by Gotarzes II. Gotarzes II eventually was able to gain control of most of Parthia forcing Vardanes to flee to Bactria. With the death of Vardanes in c. 46, Gotarzes II ruled the Parthian Empire until his death. Gotarzes II was succeeded by his uncle Vonones II.

From *,
General Info
Date of Death
January 1st, 0051
Died Aged
Social Networks , Links
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