Gerald Levert

Gerald Levert
Gerald Levert

Gerald Edward Levert was an American singer-songwriter, producer and actor. Levert is best known for singing with his brother, Sean Levert, and friend Marc Gordon of the vocal group LeVert. Levert was also a member of LSG, a supergroup comprising Keith Sweat, Johnny Gill, and himself. Levert is the son of Eddie Levert, who is the lead singer of the R&B/soul vocal group the O'Jays. He had released nine solo albums, six with LeVert, two with his father Eddie Levert, two with LSG, as well as discovering the R&B groups the Rude Boys, Men at Large and 1 of the Girls.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 13rd, 1966
Birth Place
United States of America, Pennsylvania
Date of Death
November 10th, 2006
Died Aged
Star Sign
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