Gael García Bernal

Gael García Bernal
Gael García Bernal

Gael García Bernal is a Mexican actor and producer. García Bernal is best known for his performances in the films Bad Education, The Motorcycle Diaries, Amores perros, Y tu mamá también, Babel, and Coco, and for his role as Rodrigo de Souza in the Amazon Studios' web television series Mozart in the Jungle. He and Diego Luna founded Canana Films in Mexico City.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1978
Birth Place
Mexico, Jalisco
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Directed works
Héctor in Coco
Santiago in Babel
Octavio in Amores perros
Julio Zapata in Y tu mamá también
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in The Motorcycle Diaries
Victor in Letters to Juliet
Stéphane Miroux in The Science of Sleep
Ángel, Juan, Zahara in Bad Education
Bartender, King of Ward Three in Blindness
Rodrigo De Souza in Mozart in the Jungle
René Saavedra in No
Julian Goldstein in A Little Bit of Heaven
Sebastián in Even the Rain
Padre Amaro in The Crime of Father Amaro
Leo Vidales in Mammoth
Tato in Rudo y Cursi
Moises in Desierto
Gerardo Hernandez in Wasp Network
Dr. Fabio Cavani in Salt and Fire
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