Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia

Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia
Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia

Frederick William II was King of Prussia from 1786 until his death. He was in personal union the Prince-elector of Brandenburg and sovereign prince of the Canton of Neuchâtel. Pleasure-loving and indolent, he is seen as the antithesis to his predecessor, Frederick the Great.. Under his reign, Prussia was weakened internally and externally, and he failed to deal adequately with the challenges to the existing order posed by the French Revolution. His religious policies were directed against the Enlightenment and aimed at restoring a traditional Protestantism. However, he was a patron of the arts and responsible for the construction of some notable buildings, among them the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
September 25th, 1744
Birth Place
Date of Death
November 16th, 1797
Died Aged
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